Will the 12th man at AFC replace David Dein?

After Sunday’s game, have we witnessed a significant moment under Wenger’s rein? It was the first time in fifteen years that Wenger was booed for making an absolute howler of a substitution. He tried to use the excuse that AOC had been cramping but everyone knew that AOC had just taken the game by the scruff of the neck and even his captain was astounded!

I noticed something very different in Wenger’s post match interview. He seemed beaten inside. He spoke in a calm but sadden tone as he realized he had substituted his best chance of winning the game and the fans at the Emirates had let him know it. He was finally wrong!

Wenger has been king of the Arsenal castle for while but without David Dein there is no challenger to his stubbornness and decision making. Rice looks like a ‘yes man’ at the moment and when he retires, how I’d love to see Adams come in and shore up defensive part of this team!

Today the Arsenal fans vented their frustration and it looks like every time play United, the positive do come out (As in squad strengthening after 8-2 loss). And here are the positives we can take away from Sunday’s defeat.

  • Wenger finally acknowledging that Djourou cannot defend and is technically,tactically and positionally out of his depth in an Arsenal shirt. Yennaris came on and immediately gave us pace and shape.
  • AOC gave his best performance yet in the red and white of Arsenal and looks ready for the Premier League.
  • Wenger’s insinuating that Ashravin was technically at fault for the goal (he never criticizes publically) can only isolate Ashravin further and the fans would be happy to see him leave the club and not stay in the way of Chamberlain’s development.
  • Wenger would have realized that Arsenal fans would not tolerate any more incompetent and lazy players or bad management.

Wenger is our manager and we owe him a lot of gratitude. But he sometimes needs to get challenged and have his nose put out of joint to see his faults and this Dein did to great effect until he left the club. Today the Arsenal fans stepped into Dein’s shoes and voiced their opinion which serves well for the club’s future.

“In Arsene we trust”. But now he knows well not to take advantage of the fans’ support after having felt the heat of our frustration. Finally, a great second half display and with Wilshere, Arteta, Sagna and Santos returning we can only get stronger!

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