Koscielny is right, but his comments are unprofessional (Video)

It’s continuing to dominate the headlines, but diving is again at the forefront of football as the governing body looks to clamp down on the form of cheating. The latest to grab the attention of fans and the media alike is that theatrics of Tottenham Hotspur wideman Gareth Bale during Wales’ 2-1 win over Scotland, regardless of whether he was clipped by Shaun Maloney.

However, Arsenal defender Laurent Koscielny has taken it upon himself to thrust Liverpool’s Luis Suarez back into the spotlight with his latest comments regarding the Uruguay international. “He is tiresome to defend against. He cheats. He pulls your shirt, giving small blows,” the Frenchman told L’Equipe.

“He is a player who likes to dive as soon as there is contact”. Now, I’m not defending the actions of Suarez. I am hugely in favour of clamping down on diving in every way, shape and form. It is a form of cheating and should a player of my team commit the crime, I hold my head in my hands in embarrassment.

Yet, Koscielny’s quotes haven’t gone to help quash the problem. Fans are well aware of the antics of Suarez, with his latest coming during the 0-0 draw with Stoke City last weekend. Nevertheless, the 27-year-old’s comments come completely out of the blue and will hardly help matters.

That isn’t to say he isn’t right; you can ask anyone and they will condone Suarez of his antics. But to speak out about it in such a way is particularly petulant and unprofessional of a player, who has come on leaps and bounds since his arrival at the Emirates Stadium two years ago.

Many will come out in defence of Koscielny for speaking his mind, which is regularly welcomed in the world of generic answers in football. However, this time it may have been wise to have kept his feelings to himself, regardless of whether supporters agree with him or not. 

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