A moment to remember George Best (Video)

Although I didn’t have the fortune to be old enough to witness the genius of George Best in person, he has always been a player that I hold the utmost respect for and thoroughly enjoyed watching throughout my childhood.

There are always a handful of names reeled off when the debate of ‘the best player ever’ comes into question, and despite not owning the same physical presence or goal-scoring prowess of Pele, nor the aggression and determination to challenge Maradona’s, ‘The Belfast Boy’ held such a unique style of play that lit up football on a global scale.

A combination of intelligence and trickery, pace and technique, balance and creativity; George Best was one of the greatest to grace a football pitch.

Although his off-field antics often clouded his footballing ability, the legend of the former Manchester United winger lives on long after his death.

As the top comment on the video says:

Maradona good, Pele better, George Best.