The beauty of Balotelli (Video)

It has become all too easy to slate Mario Balotelli since his arrival in the Premier League, largely because of his obstinate look that is all too often smeared across his face which, I suppose, compliments the sheer arrogance that he exhibits.

Whether you judge him for his off-field antics or not, Mario Balotelli’s egotistic persona unfotunately barricades his raw talent and deters what could be one of the best young players in world football.

Balotelli has all the attributes to be a world-beater. He holds the physique of a cart-horse, the speed of a whippet and a technique which is admired by most which adds to the massive irritation that all of this is firmly in the shadow of his self-admiration.

Here is a clip which parades the fiery-Italian’s aptitude when it comes to playing football.