From the archives: Michael Owen vs Brazil (Video)

A dark time is coming. 

No, I am not talking about Britain’s imminent triple dip recession nor I am speaking of the fact that there is still two more years of this coalition government.

Unfortunately, I am referring to the dreaded interlull which will be upon us next week following this weekend’s Premier League games. Get ready for another round of totally meaningless friendlies as you await news of which player has been injured in a game that has so importance whatsoever apart from making more money for FIFA.

I do, however, like to consider my glass as half full and the interlull does throw up a nice fixture in England vs Brazil at Wembley.

And to wet your pallets here is a rather brilliant clip of Michael Own (remember him?) scoring his first Wembley goal against the flashy south Americans in Under-15 international action. The year: 1994.