10 of football’s fiercest rivalries (videos)

There are many reasons why we hate a certain club. All clubs have rivals, some more than others *cough* Manchester United *cough*, and some more fierce than others. Across the globe, social differences, race, location disputes, histories of arguments, money divides, political beliefs, and even religion plays a part in why we cannot stand those buggers from up the road.

In this list we take a look at 10 of the most hostile rivalries in world football. Do not be offended if your team didn’t make the list, there was just so many games to choose from.

To kick us off, a video of everyone’s guilty pleasure when it comes to our beautiful game, a scrap between the players and staff. It only takes one rash challenge to spark the riots we have seen on a regular basis, although not so much in this country, including both club’s representatives going at eachother.

The aggression is brilliant, but some of the players involved will not want to watch this back.


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