What exactly happened to John Carew (Video)

When a footballer decides there time has come there are a number of attractive options available to them to make some more money.

Some go for punditry and if you’re called Gary Neville you pull it off with great success. Other players decide to sit on their laurels and live a comfortable life off of the lucrative earnings they made in their career.

There are some who blow all the money they made and end up skint. An ambassador role for their country is an option, too, and that is what is in line for Michael Owen if rumours are to be believed.

Former Aston Villastriker John Carew may have found the best way to spend his time whilst not playing football as he now appears to lounge around with half naked women getting his picture taken.

That’s right, the Norwegian international has taken to the fashion world and I have a feeling that the only reason he has chosen this as a post football career is because he is able to sit around with a load of half naked women.

Or because he has a love of fashion. Maybe.

Anyway, here he is prancing around with his smooth bald head that used to knock in the goals for Villa.