Southampton target Valencia midfielder

With a reported £30 million war chest to spend to transform Southampton into a European household name, Mauricio Pochettino has tabled a bid for Ever Banega of Valencia.

 Southampton seem to really be on a mission to add bodies to their team, with the signing of Dejan Lovren from Lyon, yes you read that right, Southampton signed a decent player from LYON, and the Ligue 1 qualified for the Champions League this year!?

The mind boggles because I’ve been to Southampton and it’s not exactly like the area is the attraction point of the deal. Southampton have now set their sights on adding European quality to their midfield in Ever Banega, who has got over 100 appearances for Valencia and has played at Atletico Madrid on loan and has been touted to join the Premier League before with Everton being on the borderline of signing him but a visa issue scuppered the deal.


I’ll admit I haven’t seen him play a lot but when I have done, he has genuine quality that will only help Southampton become a bigger and better club, but this Argentinian isn’t always revered in the same light as his fellow countrymen who are currently in the national team.

 Banega seems to have a dark cloud of luck over him, which was evident in February of 2012 where he fractured left ankle and broke his tibia and fibula all in the same leg, which is horrifying enough but alongside having ligament damage in his knee alongside the decimation of his left leg, it wasn’t much better. The cause of the damages to his ankle and tibia and fibula wasn’t a result of a big crunching tackle, but in fact was the result of his own car running him over when he forgot to put the handbrake on when going to fill his car up with petrol before it trapped his leg between the curb and the front bumper of his car.

I think Southampton hope this is behind him and it could have been worse, Banega might have eaten too many jacket potatoes and caused it himself much like Brian Harvey did. If he does join the Saints, Southampton will have signed a quality player and maybe Banega can become the player he has the potential to be.  


Find the original story here on the Daily Mirror



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