Fans attack president at forum (Video)

As far as fans forums go this is something spectacular.

It is now the done thing for the hierarchy of a club to hold a meeting with fans at the end of the season. A post-season debrief if you will and the fans are given the floor, so to speak, as they ask the questions.

Take Arsenal, for example, who have the main proponents of this Q and A forum. Chief Executive Ivan Gazidis allows the fans to ask him why exactly it is that Arsene Wenger persists in his refusal to spend money and why they have the highest season ticket prices despite no silverware.

You’d think of him to be a brave man, no? Well, not quite, because Gazidis is told what questions he will be asked beforehand and it is all done in a safe, controlled and professional environment, not over a couple of pints of beer which would have funny but most likely disastrous consequences.

The South American equivalent, however, is a little more explosive. Independiente are one of Argentina’s most famous and proud football clubs. In recent years they have been in decline, though, resulting in relegation from Argentina’s premier division last season for the first time in the club’s history.

Understandably, those very passionate South American fans were a little cheesed off at all of this and during Independiente’s end of season Q and A forum things began to get a little heated.

As you’ll see in the clip, fans begin to throw chairs at the club president as frustrations reach boiling point. Total chaos but, none the less, enjoyable for the neutral.