Why Luis Suarez is Perfect for Arsenal (Video)

As the Luis Suarez saga continues to drag on , it left me thinking whether this was the right move for Arsenal or not. Suarez is going to cost Arsenal at least £40 million pounds but there is no doubt in my mind that he is worth it. His displays last season were sensational and even attracted the attention of Real Madrid. 

Is Suarez what Arsenal need?

Yes of course he is. Arsenal desperately need a world class striker. I’m not saying Olivier Giroud had a disastrous campaign as he did pretty well for a striker experiencing his first season in the English Premier League.

However, Giroud will be 27 in September and should be hitting his peak, so when you say a 26-year-old French international striker managing 11 goals in a league season I’d say he’d be  a decent signing for Newcastle or Everton, but a poor signing for a team of Arsenal’s quality.  

Luis Suarez is a few months younger than Giroud and is a lot better. Suarez managed to score 23 goals in only 33 starts. With players like Santi Cazorla and Theo Walcott supplying him I’m sure his goal tally will only go up. Suarez is also a very versatile player as he has the ability to play as a main striker , just behind the striker or on the wing. This is another reason he is a favourite of Wenger’s , as he created 85 chances for others in the premier league last year and provided 5 assists.

Arsenal’s lack of firepower was exposed against the big teams last season. As we didn’t manage to beat any of the leagues top 3 home or away. It was even clearer to see in the champions league with teams like Schalke beating us comfortably at the Emirates 0-2.

That brings me onto the champions league. Lets face it , we all know Arsenal will be fighting for 4th place again. By buying Suarez , Arsenal are really weakening Liverpool and that is great for their champions league hopes as Liverpool are competitors for 4th spot. So by buying Suarez Arsenal strengthen themselves and Weaken Liverpool.

Yes , I’m getting to the bite on Ivanovic, don’t worry.

Even though Suarez is a reckless player and loses his head at times he is still a world class player. He only has the occasional lapse , unlike Mario Balotelli who was reckless quite a lot of the time. 

If Arsenal don’t get Suarez then who is there we can get who has the same creativity, technique and goal scoring ability. I can only think of Falcao, Cavani, Lewandowski , Messi , Ronaldo Rooney and a certain dutchman who have that ability and Suarez is the only one who we can afford and most importantly actually wants to sign for Arsenal.

 By Adeel Shafieq