Meet The Player Arsenal Are Trying To Get On Trial (video)

It ooks as if we have found a new passion of Arsene Wenger’s – offering trials to anyone that has a slight bit of quality. However, this trial has not been accepted by his club as they feel he is worthy enough to be bought instead of trialled. The UAE international was given a chance to shine at last season’s Olympics as he was in the squad which travelled to the game. He was given the platform to show his array of clever flicks and tricks and he didn’t disappoint, which sparked interest from a number of top clubs including Barcelona. Obviously we all want to know more about the player other than him being the player with the crazy afro – no not Fellaini or David Luiz.

The 24-year-old plays his football in the United Arab Emirates for a team called Al-Ain and prefers to play in the attacking midfield role, but has been known to play on either wing. He was in impressive form last season, scoring on seven occasions in just 22 games – the type of form that has earned him continued interest from some of the top teams across Europe. Arsenal being the latest linked with UAE international.

Whatever the future holds for the player, he definitely has the talent to make it in Europe, but it just depends on whether he makes the right move. Wenger was hoping to provide that but he isn’t willing to part with any money for the player. Enjoy the video.