How Manchester United Can Get The Best Out Of Shinji Kagawa

I’m not even a Manchester United fan, but it aggravates me not seeing Kagawa rarely in the starting line-up, sometimes not in the squad at all. So I thought I’d look where they should accommodate for him.

I think United’s downfall as of late is their midfield, and when you have a player in your squad who is clearly a hugely talented player, as well as a midfielder, it’s easy to question why he isn’t getting a decent enough opportunity.

He is so much better than Tom Cleverley it hurts to watch. He’s arguably their best midfielder and pushing to be one of their best players in the entire squad, for goodness’ sake. When he does eventually get a chance to play, however, he is usually farmed out on the left wing and that’s totally counter-productive. You’re playing a player who is a brilliant number 10 and can operate behind a front man or front-two and you’re playing him on the wing, and then when he can’t perform you replace him with Ashley Young?


David Moyes recently stated that he hasn’t seen much of Shinji Kagawa play and “hears he’s a good player”, which amazes me to think that is the only reason why he isn’t playing.

When you have fans calling for him to play, you can’t really ignore the thousands upon thousands of fans tweeting “Why isn’t Kagawa playing?” when the team-sheet is announced. I think a midfield three of Carrick, Fellaini and Cleverley with Kagawa in front of them and playing just in behind Rooney and van Persie could really be lethal.

But hey, it’s not my job to pick the team, merely just to criticise and analyse.  


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