Was Dropping Joe Hart The Right Decision By Manchester City?

So it finally happened, England’s number 1 was relegated to the bench against Norwich, so I thought I’d look at the effects it’ll have on Joe hart.

Firstly, I’m extremely frustrated that the press have started to climb on Hart’s back in the year leading up to an international tournament as that’s exactly what England don’t need – a crisis in probably the only position that should choose itself.

I don’t think Hart has been entirely that bad. He’s not exactly been a wall between the sticks recently, but it’s not quite as bad David James during his “Calamity James” era. The former England keeper apparently used to spend all night playing Mario Kart, meaning he had a lack of sleep and he couldn’t concentrate during matches, but could still change his poxy hairstyle every week.

Other previous keepers include Paul Robinson, who seemed to be exiled when a ball hit a “bobble” and trickled over his swinging leg and Rob Green is somehow keeping Brazil’s number 1 out of the QPR squad, who are in the Championship. Strange, no?

It seemed to me that the media were calling for Hart to be dropped, where in fact, for me, it should be an internal affair. And perhaps Hart will bounce back from this, yes, but when you’re a goalkeeper it’s so much more difficult to get back into the starting XI – it’s only really accessible when the starting keeper makes mistakes, and if Manchester City continue to play like they did against Norwich, Pantillimon won’t make a mistake to make.

Let’s see what happens, but I’m sure it will lead to Rob Green being recalled to England squad.

I can’t wait.