Liverpool: Keep Suarez, Ditch Cissokho And Stick To 4-2-2-2 To Challenge For The Title

Liverpool are currently sitting in second in the Premier League table just four points behind Arsenal, and they’re playing some slick stuff, too. Brendan Rodgers has guided his team to seven wins and three draws so far this term and the Anfield fans are enjoying what they are seeing, so I thought that I would evaluate how they can continue their push for the title.

First up I would suggest they ditch left-back Aly Cissoko and bring Jose Enrique back into the side. The man on loan from Valencia has been dismal in his showings and has cost the Reds points with his half-hearted efforts in defence.

Secondly, I would say that Rodgers needs to stop tinkering with his tactics. Right now he’s switching between formations to accommodate for his injuries and it’s working because it keeps opponents guessing, but as the season goes on the players will need stability and a set game plan. For me, the 4-2-2-2 formation works best for them.

I would also say that thy need to hang onto Luis Suarez if they are to mount a serious challenge. The South American has already scored nine goals this season in only seven appearances, and if he ups sticks and moves club then that could have a real detrimental effect on the club.

How do you replace a man of that quality?