3 Liverpool Players Who Should Be Dropped After Their 3-1 Loss To Hull

Liverpool fell to a 3-1 defeat to Hull City at the weekend, and it’s caused uproar in Merseyside. Looking forward to their next outing, Wednesday night’s clash with Norwich, here are three players who I think should lose their places.

1) Raheem Sterling

The rapid winger failed to get into the game at all at Hull and was wasteful with what he did do. All three of his crosses went wayward, he failed with the majority of his take ons and his one shot was easily blocked.

Sterling strikes me as the sort of player who can really benefit your side when you’re in cruise mode. Hull was a struggle, and Sterling struggled to help Brendan Rodgers men out of that.

2) Victor Moses

In a similar case to Sterling, Moses failed to take the game by the scruff of the neck and take it to Hull. The wide men had such little involvement in the game that they were both hooked off in the second half for players who then made the Reds look much more effective going forward.

Moses did nothing to inspire during his 75 minutes of play and could see his place in the team fall from beneath him in the upcoming tie with Norwich.

3) Jon Flanagan

The young full-back took up the role left by Aly Cissokho after the Frenchman has had a tough sart to his Liverpool career, but the latter needs to come back in, for me. Flanagan was run all over the place by Hull and was consistently out of position.