Why German Winger Could Be The Perfect Addition For Arsenal

Okay, by now the news that Arsenal are set to move in for Patrick Herrmann is out already, and he’s not a young promising player that Arsene Wenger’s side is not aware of anymore. But more than two months ago, I wrote an article suggesting German players that Arsenal should consider, and Patrick Herrmann was one of them. Now let’s have a closer look at the player and why he could be a great signing for Arsenal.

The 22-year old German plays mainly on the wings, positions currently filled at Arsenal by Santi Cazorla, Theo Walcott, Lukas Podolski, Serge Gnabry and sometimes Tomáš Rosicky and Aaron Ramsey.

Meanwhile it’s not Rosicky and Ramsey’s main position, Gnabry is still too inexperienced, Cazorla and Podolski are turning 30 soon and are not the most stable players that Arsenal need. So the only real winger here would be Walcott.

Herrmann would fit in perfectly; he’s a natural winger, is the perfect age to develop rapidly under Wenger and has first team experience in one of Europe’s top leagues.

He is fast, decent at dribbling, and has very good ball control and finishing, and despite his small size, he can shoot the ball with power. Many see him as the next Marco Reus.

With him and Walcott occupying the flanks, I see Arsenal in the long run gaining the dynamism and speed they need to implement Wenger’s philosophy completely.

For those who haven’t seen him play, check out the video below!


Simon Sammour