Has Ozil Been Arsenal’s Worst Midfielder Of Late? Former Gunner Say Yes, I Say No

When Arsene Wenger signed Mesut Ozil in the summer he would’ve expected the high level of performances that we have seen from him so far. The Germany international has made a staggering 48 key passes so far in his 16 Premier League games, claiming seven assists, and has also scored four league goals. In the Champions League he has made another 16 in six games and scored once, so it would be seem outrageous that someone would suggest he has been Arsenal’s worst midfielder recently, wouldn’t it?

That is exactly what has happened. Speaking on EPSN FC, former Arsenal midfielder and current pundit Steward Robson picked apart Ozil’s game, saying he’s worthy of only a ‘B’ grade.

He said: “I have given him a B because in recent weeks he has been the worst midfield player for Arsenal.

“Other players have done much better, been more effective than him. I think the Arsenal crowd are suggesting his work rate hasn’t been particularly good.”

The comments are not something that I echo, as for me Arsenal knew what they were signing when they splashed out over the summer. Ozil is a creative player who loves to split defences and will be the inventive hub of the team, but expecting him to work himself into the ground defensively is not something he is known for and could potentially harm his game.

I think the criticism is unfair, and although Ozil may need to step it up a bit in terms of performances, no one can argue with the impact he has had on the Gunners this season – effectively turning them into Premier League contenders.


Tim O’Hanlon