Sherwood Ready To Let Fringe Players Leave – 3 Players Who I Think Spurs Should Offload

According to ITV, Tottenham boss Tim Sherwood is ready to allow some of his fringe players to leave the club this month, as long as they are not in his plans. The former player inherited a side crammed with talent but with only a certain amount of players needed, some were always going to miss out. But who should he be looking to offload? Here are three names I put forward.

1) Lewis Holtby

The German’s progress has been hindered by injury since he arrived at White Hart Lane but has managed 12 appearances this season. None of those have been full games though, and he hasn’t done anything to overly impress, despite his 16 key passes.

There are plenty of players at the club who could take his space in the side.

2) Kyle Naughton

After a string of woeful performances this season, this man would be first out the door if I was Sherwood, as long as another left-back was brought in.

He is now 25 and I would sell him before his prove drops any lower.

3) Harry Kane

The 20-year-old is at the age now where he needs first team games in order to progress his individual ability. Having already been sent out on loan to Leyton Orient, Millwall, Norwich and Leicester, it may be time that Kane was sold permanently, perhaps with some sort of clause in his contract.