Highest Bidder: Manchester United Leading Fabregas Race, But Would It Spell The End For Cleverley?

Cesc Fabregas must be rubbing his hands together right now. The Barcelona midfielder may be leaving one of the biggest clubs in Europe, and probably the world, but he apparently has a small army of clubs looking to sign him. Arsenal and Chelsea are both said to be interested, but reports suggest that it is Manchester United leading the way.

For me it is a welcome signing – for two reasons.

The first is that Fabregas would provide obvious talent. The way he can stroke the ball around the pitch and burst into the gaps in offensive areas is brilliant to watch and it would really open up space for our strikers.

The second is that I imagine it would it would force Tom Cleverley out of the club.

With Michael Carrick, Darren Fletcher, Marouane Fellaini and Fabregas, I can’t see how the England international would fit in.

That can only be a good thing in my eyes because he is not at the level we need him to be at. After showing such promise as a youngster it has all turned sour for the 24-year-old and although I wish him the best, I just hope he isn’t a United player next season.