Arsenal Star Trying To Persuade Fabregas To Join – Why He Is Right To Do So

When you’re looking for a new club sometimes all it takes is a friend, former team-mate or even international colleague to twist your arm to sign on the dotted line for their club. Something similar could be happening at Arsenal this summer, with Santi Cazorla apparently trying to persuade fellow Spain international Cesc Fabregas to move to Arsenal. Here is why he is right to.

Fabregas is far better than anyone currently in the Arsenal midfield, in my opinion, and could prove to be the difference between the Gunners challenging for the title and settling for a top four spot yet again.

The Barcelona playmaker played 36 league games for the La Liga giants last season and claimed 13 assists, as well as scoring eight goals. However, he is widely facied to make a move from Camp Nou this summer.

A midfield of Mathieu Flamini, Aaron Ramsey, Cesc Fabregas, Santi Cazorla and Mesut Ozil would really be one to be reckoned with.

Watch this clip to see what he did for the capital side the first time round.

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