Chelsea Youngster Wants Out – Why Mourinho Needs To Keep Hold Of This Potential Superstar

Romelu Lukaku has played 66 Premier League games away from Chelsea and has scored 32 goals in that time. That’s a league goal every two and a bit games for two clubs that you could argue are in the second bracket of the top tier.

He has not been given a fair crack of the whip since joining Chelsea back in 2011 and is now supposedly after a move away from west London.

The burly Belgian is an incredible player considering he is still only 21 and is the mould of player that I would expect Mourinho to be desperate to keep. I think he should be going all out to secure a deal to keep him at the club.

He has an almighty presence about him and is always one step ahead of his opponent. He has surprisingly quick feet for a big man and is always looking to bring others into play, so with the likes of Eden Hazard, Oscar, Willian and Andre Schurrle around him I think he would be a massive hit.

Chelsea fans, do you want to see the Belgium international leading your line next season?