(TWITTER) Angry Arsenal Fans React To Kroenke Taking Money Out Of The Club

Arsenal owner Stan Kroenke has angered Arsenal fans by taking £3million out of the club, after promising many times that he would never take any dividends from any of the sports clubs he owns.

This is indeed a shocking news for the gooners, who pay more than any other club fans for their tickets, which saw a 3% price rise recently too. Arsenal fans were already unhappy at the board for not addressing issues like lack of depth in defence, no solid defensive midfielder, and a world class striker, etc…

According to The Guardian, Stan Kroenke injected the £3million he took out of the club to his company  KSE LLC for ‘strategic and advisory services’.

In 2013, in an interview to few newspapers, Stan Kroenke said,

“I have never taken money out of my sports clubs, but I reserve the right to do so – I’m certainly not promising NOT to do it”

Here are twitter reactions from few angry Arsenal fans, who were very vocal about the issue,



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