Super Key Tips for building a Solid Successful Modern Football Team


Lots of people involved in the “great game” aspire to become a successful football manager later on in their career.  They aspire to be like (for one) Sir Alex Ferguson, Pep Guardiola and others.  Managing a football team is not easy however.  Getting to the point where you are even capable of handling the tasks at hand is more than just a challenge it’s a way of life if you are to even come close to these guys in the field.  There are no quick fixes and your endurance will be tested all of the ways if you can make it close.  The key is knowing what you need to do at the right time and how tto go about doing it right.

Managing a team is not just about the players it’s also your steering of them into bringing out the best in them.

“While you need to know how to relate to the management above you and the players you still need to attract the fans to your “stadium or pitch” and even get the club into the right position to compete in tournaments.” – Bet Victor Football Experts and Bonus Bets

When attempting to successfully build a team, there are 5 key steps to guide you through some of the processes.

  1. Always be on the lookout for talented players

When you are building a good team, funds might well not be available for you to buy all the best players in the world.  You could however, keep looking out for new raw talent who have a passion for the game and are actively trying to put in all their efforts into delivering results for the club.  If you are lucky enough to have a scouting team always, send them out to watch other games in lower divisions and make sure they take notes of good footballers there.  You should also check out some of the games yourself and make your own careful evaluations of potential candidates.

  1. Always try to help your Players focus on their best attributes

Recently in the main, football has gone along the usual path of 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 formations to 3-5-2, 3-4-3, 3-4-2-1 and so on. Due to this it means that most players are not playing their original intended roles. This always has a major effect on the general output of your players.  There are some players who are natural forwards and other strikers so it is vital to hone these skills in them for your collective team effort and the overall success of your club.  Trying to turn them into full backs will only leave a gap in your overall defence strategy meaning you are opening a door to you opponents to take advantage of.  It is always good to balance the duties of your players evenly with them functioning at their best skill.  Place fastest pacers at the wings and let those with accurate passes man the midfield doing the rest.

  1. Judge you opponents and always change your tactics to suit each Game

Research all the coaches of most successful football teams, and they never use one formation for all competitions, seasons and even matches so make sure you are up to speed on the team and coach before the mach. If you are sticking to one formation it makes it simple for your opponents to figure out what your tactics are and build their own teams strength to overcome yours.  Watching your opponents is the key to understanding their game play and tactics.

“Always look closely at their constant formations and have a novel approach to every one of their moves.  Using this approach will not only make your team both versatile and stronger but you will win more games and more fans over as a result.


  1. Attract the Fans

When talking about how important it is to win the fans over, there’s never been a football team succeeding without the help of their loyal fans.  Your role as a team manager includes, you need to find ever more creative ways to keep your supporters and on side with your strategies’ and the fans entertained yet still satisfied you are doing a good job.

One other thing is that you need to make sure every fan will be willing to buy a ticket every week to watch your team play to its full potential.  Of course, your team won’t win every match but as long as they see the effort and results at the end of the day this will keep the “faithful” fans on your side.  The football regalia should also be attractive to the fans and players alike so ask yourself how colourful is your club’s merchandise is and make sure it will keep the crowd coming back for more.  Keep your flair and be sure to keep the pitch organized at every game as this will translate into your performance so your capability to do the job.

  1. Constantly watch out for the latest developments

Do not allow the administrative department of the club handle everything on the pitch either.  Be on your guard while constantly looking for the best training gadgets, sponsorship deals, and even additional equipment that might help your players to do even better, boost your performance as a coach and also keep fans up to speed.

Always remember as you grow your team on the pitch; also make every effort to increase the fan base while improving your skills at the same time.  All of these tips will help you to be the best coach you can be and always remember it is up to you to be the best you can be so 100% is your key!