West Ham chasing Chelsea star


The Metro is reporting that West Ham chairman David Sullivan is hoping to persuade Romelu Lukaku to join the club on loan next season from Chelsea.

With the East End club having already put a bid on the table to secure a permanent deal for Liverpool front man Andy Carroll, we could see put in place the most unnerving double act since The Krankies.

Lukaku, who is still just 20, demolished defences during his spell at West Brom last season. He plundered 17 goals for the Midlands side including a last day hat trick to ruin Manchester United’s farewell party for Sir Alex.

Carroll inflicted rather more physical pain on United a month ago with a one man missile on David De Gea, the fact the Spaniard got up from the assault and chose to stay on the pitch with his assailant proved once and for all that goal keepers are indeed crazy.

The combination of the two rampaging 6ft 3in attackers would mean that West Ham would have assembled possibly the world’s scariest ever striking partnership.

Hardnosed former pro centre backs always go on about how during their career they always preferred playing against big bustling centre forwards rather the tricky little ones.

I would suggest that every single defender playing against West Ham in the Premier League next season would rather be up against claret and blue legends Cottee and McAvennie rather than this gruesome pairing.

Sullivan is hoping that the chance for Lukaku to move back to London will swing the deal in his favour and he feels the two strikers together would be devastating: “The best strike-force outside of the top six or seven.’

He has a point, whilst it may not do too much for big Sam’s reputation for free flowing exciting passing football it could certainly literally propel the Irons up the league table.

Allen Whyte