Diary Of A Sky Sports Reporter

Hartlepool nil Huddersfield nil. Goalscoring opportunities nil (or at least it felt like that!). Entertainment nil. Reports on Sky nil. Hours driving to and from the game a lot more than nil. Ticket price nil. Money earned more than nil. And it’s those last two which I try to remember on days like this.

After all, I get paid to watch the action, whereas almost everyone else around me has coughed up their own money to be in the same position. I remember applying for a BBC sports journalist role in Newcastle many years ago and after ringing them up to ask if they’d received my application form was told that 1000 people had applied for the position!

There are occasions when the job doesn’t match up to the hype but being a football reporter, or any sports reporter, is a privileged role and I will never forget that. So onto the next game on Saturday. I’m watching Stevenage against…. Hartlepool !!!!



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