Vote: RVP or Bergkamp?

Robin Van Persie has hit astronomical heights for the Gunners this season, but is he better than the legendary Dennis Bergkamp?

A true battle of Dutch maestros, the general consensus is that Bergkamp was far superior to Van Persie but is that really the case?

In conducting a poll it was clear that people regarded Van Persie as a great goal-scorer but chose Bergkamp, as undoubtedly a creator and scorer of great goals. In asking 26 football fans an incredible 22 voted for Bergkamp and understandably so, however, Van Persie is ultimately carrying Arsenal through tough times in a way that Bergkamp perhaps could never have done. 

On a similar note Bergkamp had greats around him during his time at Arsenal, so should this come into play when you consider who the better player is?

If Van Persie could guarantee this rich vein of form, injury free, for the next five seasons in a row would he be classed in the same cult and manner as Bergkamp and Thierry Henry are at the club?  It’s widely known that to find a consistent goal scorer is priceless at the highest level and RVP is exactly that, when fit.

Bergkamp was a genius on the pitch and was able to produce class effortlessly out of nothing, streets ahead of play he saw the game ten seconds before it had happen and could exquisitely conjure up excellence to inspire everyone around him; a talent that very few players have ever had or are ever likely to have.  

The question “Who is better, Van Persie or Bergkamp?” seemed to revoke a heavy Bergkamp swing, but who would Arsenal fans have playing up front based on RVP’s current form?

A conclusion to the argument is impossible and one which can alter opinion based on the views of a majority and the minority too.  Bergkamp will always be hailed as an Arsenal legend, but will Van Persie be remembered in the same way?  The forthcoming European Championships and what Van Persie achieves on the international stage will also come into play in the near future.

WTTGT Writer: Jake Harvey

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