Getting Ready For The January Transfer Sales

It comes once a year – cue Santa joke, but Sir Alex knows the January transfer-sales are just around the corner and so took the Wigan game as the chance to show what we have for sale.

One Darren Gibson, there is only one! He shoots and he misses, he passes like he is scared, he tackles badly – cue his song….please buy him, he is just like that puppy in the discarded dogs store, cute and abused by twitter and now nobody wants him.

We also have a striker, once the best in the land and now a vague substitute who scores on every appearance against the worst teams in the land, you think I mean Michael Owen but I mean Berbatov, but it’s the same for both ex-talents who are  now best going elsewhere, maybe Stoke where old strikers go to finish off their career.

But you say Berba scored 3, one a toe poke and one penalty and one a turn when keeper and defender stood and watched. Yes my son, Merry Christmas!

And Partrice Evra too, the centre back and full back, the new John O’Shea yes he is, half the height twice the errors.

And Wayne Rooney super sub in midfield, passing blind and shooting wild. truly world class just not in this world.

We won, we are top and we played Wigan who we have played 14 games in the Prem and won on every occasion.

Thanks Ref we really needed that sending off!

Merry Christmas and happy shopping!

Steve Burrows CBE @ifollowsteve

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