Tony Pulis and The Stoke Effect

As a football fan having observed the premier league for over 12 years now, its impossible to not laud Anthony Richard ‘Tony’ Pulis. From the lower leagues of English Football to the dizzying of premier league, Stoke City’s rise has been meteoric. The Britannia stadium is now considered a fortress which is testament to the Pulis’ efforts at the club. And it is not just route-one football as people label it to be . Stoke possess an established brand of football and hence have been successful under Tony Pulis.

The Galatasaray fans are known to make the atmosphere intimidating, the Pompey fans always made the stadium lively and the Liverpool fans are known to be the 12th man. The Stoke city fans are also boisterous and make it a cracking atmosphere at the Britannia everytime. Stoke city are not one of  the prettiest teams to watch but they are definitely one of the most effective premier league teams.

This one is for the memory section of the cerebrum. Stoke city was founded in 1863 and is the oldest club in the premier league. Since their inception Stoke City have  failed to keep pace with the big boys often flirting with relegation. They have had their fair share of managers but since Pulis has been at the helm, Stoke have managed to gain stability. Pulis lifted them into the premier league after a 23 year absence and were odds-on to go down the same season but finished a comfortable 12th.

Much of the credit must go to the man in the dugout. Pulis has adopted a logical approach towards the premier league. What the potters have is a good combination of skill and experience. Pulis’ main focus is the defense which is miserly. He has two good custodians, the vastly experienced Thomas Sorensen and the able Asmir Begovic. His backline consists of the Berlin wall that is Robert Huth, the talented Ryan Shawcross, the ever present Danny Higginbottom and Rory Delap whose long throws can clear the entirety of the Thames.They are well-drilled and whilst you watch them play, you can reflect upon the hardwork that transpires on the training ground. Stoke also have effective midfielders and often play to their strengths well. Matthew Etherington and Jermaine Pennant are good wingers although  Pennant is inconsistent but Etherington has impressed  during the Pulis tenure. Stoke also retain possession very well. It has hard to break them down at the Britannia. Jonathan Walters is a very under-rated footballer. He can probably run the Tour de France and win it. He has been brilliant. He is adept at heading, he makes effective runs down the channels and pick a pass out too. Stoke have worked the ‘big-man,small-skillful man’ strikers duo policy well with Cameron Jerome, Ricardo Fuller feeding off Peter Crouch. Stoke have an undying fighting spirit that resonates through their fans. What stands out during the Stoke game is the admirable work-ethic. Tony Pulis has instilled a good system at Stoke City football club. Stoke are in Europe this season thanks to their heroics in the FA cup, losing out to the Blue half of Manchester in the final.

Stoke are doing well in the Europa league too. The highlight for me being the 3-1 defeat of Besiktas as Turkey is a daunting place to play football in.

 The rise of Stoke City has been a fine story for English football. The wand is in the hand of  Mr.Tony Pulis. It remains to be seen what more this talented Welshman can produce.

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Mayank Adhye

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