Terry Stripped Of England Captaincy, Does The Team Need Him Anyway?

Unsurprisingly today the FA decided to strip John Terry of the England captaincy. Some may say that decision has been made several months too late, some may say it didn’t need to made it all.

One thing is for certain. Today the FA have made a stand and one that for now they have to stick to, for the good of their organization, the national team and their image both at home and abroad.

In an ideal world, Terry’s race-row case with Anton Ferdinand would have been sorted out months ago. But that hasn’t happened and it was clear that the FA were going to be forced into stripping the Chelsea defender of the captaincy after a backlash of public outcry at the news the case would be adjourned until after the upcoming European Championships were over.

After all England and the FA could ill-afford to have Terry lead the side in Poland and Ukraine amid the backdrop of his race-row case. Imagine what the rest of Europe would think looking on if England under Terry were to have won the competition with the skipper’s face all over the news only to come back to England after the tournament to be found guilty.

Terry and some fans will not like the decision, but it’s the only decision the FA could make. Some may say that it’s a lose-lose situation made and that the FA would have been criticised if they had kept Terry on and that because of the decision they have made today that it again shows poor leadership and puts more pressure on Fabio Capello and the team to put on a good showing at the finals.

Terry it’s believed according to several journalists and individuals who know him well like Ray Wilkins could very well resign from International football before Capello names his squad for England’s next friendly, coming up against Holland, in the fixture that was originally postponed due to the London riots, this month at Wembley.

Whether you like Terry as an individual or as a footballer, he does carry a lot of experience on his shoulders and whilst it’s understandable that fans and pundits do want to see younger players on-board, losing someone of his experience would hurt any squad ahead of a major tournament.

However after the maligned World Cup campaign in South Africa there has been a ‘changing of the guard’ in the England team with younger and inexperienced players at International level coming through and being given a chance.

Terry it may be said needs and wants to play for England. But with centre-back’s like Chris Smalling, Phil Jagielka, Phil Jones and Joeleon Lescott now regulars in the squad along with the uncapped Ryan Shawcross and Micah Richards (who for some strange reason Capello refuses to pick) around, England just simply do not need Terry and have the resources to move on as and when they wish to do so.

By Adam Dennehey @ADennehey87

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