A short poem about the Citizens

Everyone know where they were on this last year? I do, I was biting my nails, restless. I was on the chair then pacing the floor then neither on the chair nor floor as City faced off against Manchester United down in London. We all know what happened that day and that season with City hoisting the first trophy for over three decades. This is what I penned moments after the final whistle, enjoy.

The bright sunshine of April
A wonderful glorious day
The sea of Blue in London
Walking down Wembley way
A fierce Northern rivalry
A battle about to commence
Thirty years for this one day
An atmosphere so tense.
Early scare, early nerves
Attempts from Berbatov
Hands from Hart blocks one
The other, over the top
City under pressure
The rearguard stays strong
Lescott, Alex, Zab, Barry
Kompany and DeJong.
The City fights back
The half ends all square
We’re still in the game
An upset is in the air
Second half begins 
City now the aggressor
Now can the evil ones
Handle the pressure
Misplace passes, blaming glances
Their defenders are a mess
Yaya Toure steams into the box
Under the keeper and into the net.
Ferguson bemused, 
Ferdinand irate
Ginger whinger gets dismissed
His tackle high and late
Tensions high, nails bit
While City secure the win
Ferdinand gets upset
When Mario winks at him.
Leave the field Rags
Get off quick as you can
We are going to our supporters
Gonna do the Poznan!


Hopefully I will get the opportunity to write more come the end of the season. Keep true, be blue!

PA Cityboy


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