Same Ol’ England


Another tournament, another heartbreaking exit. England’s finest were sent packing by a decent Italy side. The fact is that the current Italy team are no world beaters. But on Sunday night it was men verses boys.

England made Italy look better than they are. 33 year old Pirlo, who was given the freedom of the park, dictated the play for almost 2 hours. Throughout the match England players stood off him and watched a master-class performance from the veteran.

The fact is that by the time Pirlo stepped up to take his penalty, England had filled him full of confidence. So much so, that he had the causal audacity to chip the ball over the despairing Joe Hart. Something he would not have dared try had the England players stopped him from playing.

So much as already been said about the sorry England performance. In Rooney’s defence people are quick to point out he was not match fit. Well, of course he wasn’t. But we knew he wouldn’t be having not played in 5 weeks. People say that Rooney is world class. The fact is that Rooney has not played anywhere near world class for England since 2004.

It’s all well and good putting in decent performances against the Bulgaria’s of the footballing world but at 26 years old  it must be said that Rooney has not delivered the potential that Euro 2004 promised in an England shirt.

Rooney should not have walked straight back into the side against Ukraine. Andy Carroll was unfairly dropped having had a good game against Sweden. Until we stop selecting players on reputation we can expect England players moping around the pitch acting like the world is against them.

Ashley Young showed everyone he was ready to step up when he put in a decent display against Norway, a team that failed to qualify for Euro 2012. But Young went missing at the Euro’s. 

England players were dead on their legs by the second half. Having spent the match chasing the ball we should not be surprised. But the most disappointing thing for me is how people are trying to pick positives from our showing at the championships.

‘They worked their socks off.’

‘The players worked really hard.’

‘Hodgson has made England hard to beat.’

The three quotes above  is the general consensus among supporters and football experts. Rubbish.

I expect England players to work their socks off on the pitch. I expect them to work hard. And why is Hodgson making England hard to beat something to shout about? Any team would be hard to beat with 2 banks of four defending the penalty box. Greece are hard to beat playing exactly the same way! Surely we are slightly better than them? Surely?!

Spain, Germany, Portugal are all teams that are ‘hard to beat’ but they don’t need to plant themselves around their penalty box to achieve that.

So in previous tournaments, England were over-hyped and failed at the quarter final stages. Now, a low key media campaign suggest England have maybe over achieved by reaching the quarter finals at Euro2012. Give me a break. England are and have been a quarter final team for the last two decades. Let’s just admit it. Anyway, it’s the champions league that everyone really wants to win, isn’t it?

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