Jordan Henderson or Santi Cazorla? Toughie!

If transfer fee’s where the judge of a player then Matt Jarvis would be twice the player Pablo Hernandez is, then Jordan Rhodes is as good as Papiss Cisse, then Jordan Henderson is marginally better then Santi Cazorla! These are just three humorous examples of how ridiculously valued British footballers are.

It’s not just the lower regions of the Barclays Premier League that have fallen into the trap of overpaying for young British ‘talent’, the very best have from Manchester United to Arsenal and from Chelsea to Liverpool!

I’ve nothing against Jordan Rhodes, but for a player with little experience in the second tier, that’s right the second tier, he’s yet to play a Premier League match, how he can cost £8million?  It’s not his fault granted, and the fact he is British is the reason he costs that much. Hull City signed a forward called Nick Proschwitz who was the top goalscorer in Germany’s second tier last year for £2.6million, £6.4million cheaper then Rhodes.

Why is this? You can only presume that bringing a home-grown British player through your academy is a rarity in today’s football world, so to release them, the clubs are going to want a hell of a fee! The likes of Jarvis and Rhodes didn’t even come through their club’s academy yet still fetched for stupid prices; however the same theory still applies, you want to see a British player in your shirt more than any other, so if they’re successful then to let them go will cost a hell of a lot.

It’s quite the mystery isn’t it why clubs tend to buy foreign players! It’s quite the mystery why 64% of the Barclays Premier League’s players are foreign (Only two leagues in world football have a higher foreigner percentage in the form of Canada and Cyprus)!

I’ll leave this piece with a favourite comparison of mine, Shaun Wright Phillips cost £3million less then Mesut Ozil and Sami Khedira combined. I wonder who got the better deal.

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