A contender for Waddle’s title (Video)

They say that Chris Waddle’s skied penalty against Germany in Italia ’90 is still orbiting out in space somewhere to this day. Other say it has been seen, thanks to the Hubble telescope, impacting on the surface of Jupiter.

It is testament to just how culturally significant that penalty was (Gazza’s tears, Pavarotti singing, rebirth of football and all that) that the Waddle penalty is so regularly ridiculed even though there have been plenty of other penalties before and since that were as bad, if not worse.

And then there is this one which could well be the worst ever.

Step forward Mr Jonathan Soriano of Austrian outfit Red Bull Salzburg with a truly outstanding effort that I shall now describe in two ways; one in literal terms, one in hyperbolic terms. Read whichever one you so wish.

  1. His penalty probably landed in about Row U.

  2. His penalty is currently sailing past Voyager 2 which has now passed Pluto and is headed for the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy.

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