What in the world is up with CR7?

What the hell is wrong with the lad?

He’s got the world at his feet, all the money he could ever want or need, the body, the girls, the cars… ok so he’s got it all yeah? We’ll leave it there…

Well apparently, the petulant star is ‘sad’ in Madrid.

He’s made a point of stating via Twitter that it’s not about the money, but something else – and then leaves us in suspense as to what it could possibly be!

Well his team mates have hung him out to dry really, first Nani has stated in no uncertain terms “Ronaldo isn’t sad, he’s fine” and then Karim Benzema has seconded this motion by saying “I don’t know why Ronaldo is sulking. I haven’t really followed the story but I haven’t seen him unhappy”. So what is it?

Well we’ll surely find out soon in this apparently imminent joint statement from the PortuGeezer himself and his club , but there is one man who has pounced on the news like a shark who’s smelt blood… that man is SAF himself, Sir Alex. 

According to the Mirror, a United source has stated: “The manager made it clear when Ronaldo joined Real that if he ever left the ­Bernabeu he should return to Old Trafford.

“It’s a transfer that would prove that United can still compete with anyone for the biggest names in ­football.

“But, at the moment, only Ronaldo knows whether he is serious about leaving Madrid or whether he’s just having a sulk.”

I’d firmly put money on the latter as the boy has a track record of this sort of behaviour. 

There is no doubt that the CR7 shaped hole left in the United line up has failed to be filled over the past few seasons, no matter what successes they’ve had without him. The Rooney and Ronnie partnership was terrifying. Not to mention the possibility of a front 3 containing the 2 goal machines already mentioned and Old Trafford new boy Robin Van Persie. *gulp* The prospect of Cristiano Ronaldo tearing down the wing towards Carl Jenkinson or Kieran Gibbs makes my Gooner knee’s tremble. 

Whilst I would relish the prospect of the man returning to the Premiership, I can’t buy into this rumour just yet – and I’m not sure I want to as I fear for the rest of us who will amost certainly see our goal difference take a hit should he return to these shores. 

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