A ripper straight out of Texas! (Video)

The MLS isn’t renowned for it’s super goals – if anything the standard of goalkeeping is very low and therefore the goals tend to look a lot better than they are, but this fella is a beauty. 

Boneik Garcia of the Houston Dynamo scored a whopper that any player would have been proud of. 

Love for Live Football

Tomorrow night, I will be in attendance at a football match that I have no affinity to either of the competing teams.

I’ll be there on the terraces with the true fans, the Tuesday night in the cold brigade. 

Big night for the Bhoys

The last time Celtic too a trip to Barcelona, they fielded such stars as Nakamura, Boruc and Vennegoor of Hesselink…. that day they walked away with their heads held high after a 1-0 defeat. 

Is this the end for Swindon’s Golden spell?

This could be a dark time to be a Swindon fan as there appears to be more trouble on the horizon.

Jeremy Wray has been replaced as the clubs Chairman with immediate effect following a specific request from the clubs majority shareholder Andrew Black. 

Rangers Chief says what we were all thinking…

Maybe it was a bit harsh, but Rangers Chief Executive Charles Green has posed the question this week:

“How can Manchester United’s revenues be £320m and Aston Villa, who are completely useless, get £250m?”

This was in the context that he had predicted that a European League would be formed because big teams can’t keep subsidising the small teams. 

Is TW14’s KO a KO for his time at AFC? (Video)

Theo Walcott’s latest injury is clearly poor luck on the young lad – literaly having the stuffing knocked out of him against San Marino on Friday night can’t be what he had planned. 

I imagine he has visioned tearing the Sunday Leaguer’s a new one as he showcased to Arsene Wenger why he is worth £100k a week. Instead he spent the night in A&E struggling to catch his breath.