Rangers Chief says what we were all thinking…

Maybe it was a bit harsh, but Rangers Chief Executive Charles Green has posed the question this week:

“How can Manchester United’s revenues be £320m and Aston Villa, who are completely useless, get £250m?”

This was in the context that he had predicted that a European League would be formed because big teams can’t keep subsidising the small teams. 

He might have a point here, in that the bigger clubs might break away – however I hope he wasn’t talking about Rangers being a big club…. 

He is up to date with current affairs right? He knows that Rangers next fixture is at home to Queen’s Park and they’re going into that off the back of a loss away at Stirling Albion! 

I don’t think he’s in a position to be calling Aston Villa useless, despite what we all think as we see them stumble from one season to the next in the Premier League. 

Back to the point here though: What are the odds of us seeing this European Super League? How do we feel about it? Would it work? 

Imagine looking down the fixture list and seeing your team playing at home, then Barca, then home, then away at Zenit… no this just sounds like the Champions League group stages, but imagine if it was every weekend!? Match of the Day would be a nightmare!!

Could your bank balance take that as a fan? It would be like the NFL where the home team has near on 100% fan advantage and away games almost impossible to go and see…

For you Villains, you’ll be pleased to hear that Chaz has sent you a letter to say Sorry.

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