Evra out on his butt as new signing takes over

Finally, after 6 long seasons, Sir Alex has signed a left back (in the shape of 23 year old Alexander Buttner) to compete with the ever-present Patrice Evra, and it looks as if the new-boy will go straight into the side for the league game against Wigan Athletic on Saturday.

Perhaps Fergie has realised that Evra’s positional play is worse than that of Fabien Barthez’s, or that his long lumped passes up-field contribute about as much as Eric Djemba-Djemba ever did at Old Trafford.

Evra’s petty fouling and constant whinging has been hard to bear over the last 6 years, not to mention the lengthy prolonged courst case against Liverpool striker Luis Suarez and his dodgy barnet.

Finally someone to challenge the French full-back that isn’t as laughable as John O’Shea.

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