Premier League star given 12 month ban

Dopey Southampton striker Guly Do Prado has only been a Premier League player for a matter of months, but he is already fitting in with some of the mindless imbeciles that think because they earn more in an hour than most of us do in a year, they can do as they please and break the law.

The Brazilian has been banned from driving for 12 months and given a £12,500 fine after he was stopped and breathalysed at 04:35am in Southampton on August 27th, where he was attempting to find the club’s substitute bench, because he wanted someone familiar to him to get his head down.

D’oh Prado was way over the legal limit whilst he drove his Porsche (worth more than double the average annual household income in the City) and has been forced to pay court charges of just £100, which equates to about 8 seconds worth of wages.

Lesson learnt…Or not.

After the hearing had finished, the drunkard staggered from the court in fits of laughter and showed no remorse for his actions, but the laughing soon stopped when he realised he had to get a lift back to his house.


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