Papiss Cisse has dynamite in his forehead as well as his feet (Video)

Papiss Demba Cisse is most likely cursed to live out the rest of his days knowing that he will never, ever, ever score a goal as good as THAT one against Chelsea for Newcastle last season.

If he didn’t mean to do it, no amount of luck will ever recreate that goal and if he did mean to do it, well, it still required a rather large amount of luck.

However, just to prove he can still pull of the spectacular, here he is scoring a header for Senegal in a game against Cote D’Ivoire which Nat Lofthouse probably would have been proud of.

I mean, a header from 18 yards out is always going to be pretty good, even if the keeping was somewhat slipshod.

Still, appreciate those neck muscles to generate the power.

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