The best corner kick ever (Video)

They say that deception is underhand and devious and wrong, but they, whoever “they” are, very wrong. Apart from on the subject of diving when they are right.

Deception is very clever and when it comes off, it’s very good to watch and can leave you feeling terribly embarrassed for the victims of the deception.

Take this clip from Serbia under 17s playing their Moldovan counterparts.

In comers the corner to the edge of the box where one imagines a player will strike the ball, most likely blasting it high and wide.

Oh, wait, no, he’s dummied. Oh, so has the other bloke. And the next one too! It’s like they’re playing leap frog with the ball.

Finally, the ball comes to a fourth bloke and thankfully for al concerned (apart from the Moldovan side), he tucks the ball into the bottom corner. It would have been rather embarrassing if he shanked it into Row Z.