Where were you when you were sh….?

If there is one thing that REALLY winds me up in football it’s those plastic fans who come out of the woodwork when their team starts winning. 

Throughout my life, at school, University and now at work, I have and have had friends who like football, they claim they love it but they don’t really seem to care that much.. oh wait what’s that? Their team has just beaten mine?? I never knew you supported them? You never mentioned it before? 

Oh look you’ve got the latest shirt with the star strikers name on the back… you make me sick. 

You know who you are.

Football is for life, not just when a Billionaire rocks up and buy’s you Cristiano Lionel Tevez the 3rd.

Oh and now you’ve won the League. great. I’ll never hear the end of it now… 

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