One of the worst dives I’ve ever seen (Video)

Much has been said about Luis Suarez’s expoits, not all about football, over the last few weeks.

In fact, diving itself has been a big issue in English Football recently, with Sergio Aguero saying that Englishmen get all the decisions, while Sir Alex Ferguson said that foreigners do all the diving (and not Nani, of course, not Nani).

Steven Gerrard and Glen Johnson have both stuck up for Suarez, saying that he doesn’t get his fair share of decisions, and Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers lamented referees for basing their decisions of reputation instead of the foul itself.

I was actually going to write a piece saying how players’ reputations are getting in the way of often crucial decisions. We have seen Mario Balotelli being elbowed by Andy Wilkinson and getting nothing, and Suarez has been denied a few penalties over recent weeks.

I was going to write it, until I saw this. This woeful dive against Stoke is up there with the best (the best, the worst? I don’t know), he stumbles to his needs, and then tries to dive, from his knees, to the ground.

You can see why referees don’t want to give him any penalties Brendan!


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