The only ‘favourite’ player I can ever have (Video)

People often ask me ‘Whose you favourite Arsenal player Tom?’, to which I go to answer and then stop.  Who is my favourite player?  I sort of liked RVP and I sort of liked Nasri, but they were never my favourite player, head and shoulders above the rest.

No, only one man will ever be my favourite player, even though he’s left now I still can’t let go.  He was always my favourite, the best player I ever saw play.  Even when he aged and Thierry came on the seen I stood by him.  I was there when he scored his 100th goal against Oxford United and I was there for many more of his wondrous goals.

If you haven’t already guessed I am talking about the one, the only, Dennis Bergkamp.  Dennis was an Arsenal player throughout my childhood and his professional attitude and immense talent meant that he instantly became my hero.

This post is merely a shameless appreciation of a player who I deem to be one of the top 10 ever and certainly my favourite, thank you Dennis. 

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