Arsenal undone by deadly Dutch duo

Late strikes from Klass-Jan Huntelaar and Ibrahim Affelay brought an end to Arsenal’s incredible home Champions league record.

With 15 minutes remaining and the scores level, the predatory Huntelaar blasted past Vito Mannone before a swift counter attack saw Jeferson Farfan cross perfectly for the impressive Affelay to seal an incredible win for the German side.

The three points was the perfect end to a brilliant week for Schalke, whom won away to Borussia Dortmund domestically on Saturday, and they now find themselves in pole position to top the group.

In truth Arsenal were poor throughout, and for a second successive match they struggled to break down their opponents, with the usual classy Santi Cazorla quiet.

In a game of very few chances Arsenal’s only shot on target was registered in injury time, meaning Arsenal will have to improve in a fortnight’s time in the Gelsenkerchen otherwise they face the realistic prospect of an early exit.