The games I will remember for years (VIDEO)

As a one off video blog piece I have decided to share the three Liverpool games that have sent shivers down my spine. I have been a Liverpool fan right from a young boy thanks to my mother’s influence and although I haven’t seen them have too much success regarding trophies I have three matches that for me stand out as my favourite three games.

1. Liverpool 3-1 Olympiakos, Tuesday 7th December 2004

This game will live long in the memory for many Liverpool fans as it was the match that ensured we got out of the group stage of the Champions league in the same season we won the competition. At the start of the match the scenario was that we needed to win the match and by two clear goals.

I remember exactly where I was that night watching this. I was sat in my grandparent’s living room with my uncle who is also a Liverpool fan and I can remember the heartbreaking moment when Rivaldo scored the free kick early in the game.

Going in at 0-1 down knowing we had a mountain to climb which was to score 3 goals in 45 minutes. The scores were level early on in the second half when Sinama-Pongolle scored. It wasn’t until 10 minutes ago when it seemed all hope was lost that Mellor scored to make it 2-1 and suddenly it was game on. And then… it came, the moment shivers ran down my spine! When Gerrard was laid the ball to him on the edge of the box in the 86th minute and the famous voice of Andy Grey “Gives it to Gerrardddddd, oh you beauty, what a hit, what a hit son”. Liverpool managed to win and by two clear goals.

2. Manchester United 1-4 Liverpool, Saturday 14th March 2009

Going into this match it looked as though Rafa Benitez’s famous ‘Fact’ press conference before a match against Stoke City in January that season had cost Liverpool the chance to take the title race to the last few weeks of the season as Liverpool’s form from that press conference went downhill and United’s went uphill.

However the tide turned in what was a must win match for Liverpool, an away trip to Old Trafford… not easy. In the end Liverpool humiliated their rivals as they swept past them to put the title race back on.

Cristiano Ronaldo scored an early penalty and it seemed that Liverpool were on the way to another defeat. That was until Fernando Torres who caused Vidic and Ferdinand problems all day got onto the end of a Skrtel punt up the pitch to slot past Edwin Van der Sar. Just before half time Vidic who was having a nightmare fouled Gerrard and received a yellow card, Gerrard scored the resulting penalty and marked it with the famous celebration of kissing the camera.

Second half came and a rattled Manchester United had a mini disaster on the pitch. Vidic managed to escape early as he rugby tackled Kuyt to receive a second yellow. From the resulting free kick Fabio Aurelio brilliantly lifted the ball over the wall and into the net to leave Van der Sar on his line stood watching the ball go in.

The game was sealed by Liverpool’s left back, yes there left back who ran through and lobbed a bouncing ball over the United keeper into the net, a finish any striker would have been proud of.

3. Liverpool 3-3 AC Milan AET (Liverpool win 3-2 on pens), Wednesday 25th May 2005

Obviously this is the most memorable game for me as a Liverpool fan. I’m not going to go into the details of this match as everyone knows what happened that night but instead I am going to tell you where I was that night.

My Sunday league junior team won the league that season as we won a play-off for the trophy 2-1. The league presentation night was on the same night as the Champions League final so you can imagine, there was a lot of phone checking going on and a lot of portable TV’s in the event. Just before my team went up to collect our winner’s trophy my Mum told me Liverpool were 3-0 down, I was heartbroken and my team mates were laughing and cheering at the fact the Reds were losing.

By the end of the event the score was 3-2 and everyone was aghast as to what was happening. I’m sure that night my Mum broke every speed limit going to get back home to catch the end of the match. As we got in Liverpool had a penalty… Alonso missed but scored the rebound.

Extra time felt like torture as Milan battered us! Penalties couldn’t come soon enough. Then somehow even now when I see repeats I still don’t know how Jerzy Dudek saved Shevchenko’s shot from 3 yards.

It went to penalties and the ‘Kings of Penalties’ had won the Champions League, I sat there shell shocked but full of excitement and emotion it certainly sent shivers down my spine.

Daniel Clark
