The mad German (Video)

I have always been a very big fan of Jens Lehmann. As a Gooner, his service to the Arsenal is what endears him the most (especially that save in the Champions League semi-final) but his often mad cap antics are a joy to behold, too. He is stark raving mad and there is simply no denying it.

He was mad when he played for us, mad when he left and mad when he came back at 40. A talented keeper, no doubt, but he would shout at players comically, shamelessly waste time and advance from his box in the most bizarre of situations which would sometimes land him in real trouble.

But, his finest ‘mad’ moment. as it were, has to be this golden moment during a Champions League game whilst playing for Stuttgart. When Jens wants to piss, Jens will piss, regardless of whether or not it is during a football game or not. Nothing stops Jens.