Rodgers’ Renaissance Era


FSG didn’t just choose Brendan Rodgers’ as the man to manage their “investment” overnight.  Lots of time went into the decision. They didn’t just choose him on a whim it was a process. Lots of planning, research, studying, and analyzing went into choosing Liverpool Football Club’s manager.  Their plan, their vision, was to get a young enthusiastic manager with Premier League experience. Brendan Rodgers fits the bill. Rodgers is not even forty years old (39) and managed Swansea City to Premier League promotion, the first time for any Welsh club, and kept them from ever really being in danger of relegation their first season playing football in the Premier League finishing mid table at the eleventh position. Prior to his appointment he had had talks in regards to joining the coaching staff at Manchester City under manager Roberto Mancini.

What’s the point of getting a young manager that’s able to stay at the club for a long time because of his age if you’re not going to give him time?  I say Rodgers has at the very least two seasons to show improvement in the club. This is Rodgers’ rebuilding process that starts from the ground up, like he says “Even the tea lady matters at Liverpool Football Club”.

Rodgers’ specialty is working with young players.  Much of his experience with young players comes from being the youth team and reserve team manager at Chelsea during the Jose Mourinho’s era.  He’s got a way with the young players that can’t be taught.  Not every manager has the patience and charisma to deal with some immature young players. At Chelsea FC Brendan Rodgers was Mourinho’s youth and reserve team manager that taught Jose’s tactics to the younger, less experienced players at the club.  The managers of these ‘lower’ teams often called second team actually coach. Some of these big managers in the top leagues in the world have coaches that run their training and they assess the players.  Rodgers is hands on and in that way the players know exactly what he wants. I believe one of the main reasons why Brendan has success in training young players is because he is also young, young for a manager. Rodgers is always learning along with the players.  He is able to communicate on a closer level with the young lads than others.  Rodgers is a very well spoken, personable man that likes to have a laugh when appropriate but also knows when it’s time to get serious and work.  He has a great personality and is easy to get along with something most young players need.

Rodger’s rebuilding era is playing out like a movie. It’s exciting times right now to be a Liverpool Football Club supporter even though results aren’t going our way at the moment.  One can tell Brendans’ vision is smart and proven to work by the likes of Spain and Barcelona. His vision just needs time.  He can’t just put out the players that were at the club already and make it work.  Rodgers needs his players, footballers that he knows can play his system and eat, breath, bleed the sport.  I say let him atleast buy eleven players and then if his vision hasn’t showed improvement then you can fairly start to criticize the man’s tactics but until then sit back, relax and enjoy the show.  Rodgers’ Renaissance Era has begun, Liverpool’s revival is underway and the Walking Red will walk with Brendan Rodgers until the end.  

“Stay on your feet” – Brendan Rodgers

Ross Brouillette @RosssoccerBoss