Messi V Ronaldo- The Saga Continues



Of all the debates over the years about who is the greatest player of all time, perhaps none have endured for as long or created so much divided opinion than those two young whipper snappers, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.

La Liga’s finest currently stand head and shoulders above all others in the footballing hemisphere and only a handful of fellow pros even come remotely anywhere near when it comes to pure entertainment and match winning prowess.

Let’s look at the facts based just on this calendar year so far alone.

Messi has notched a total of 76 goals for both Barcelona and Argentina which puts the diminutive Argentine just 9 strikes shy of Bayern Munich & Germany legend Gerd Muller.

Ronaldo, not to be outdone of course, has netted 54 times for Real Madrid and Portugal.    

However, in spite of the difference in terms of goals scored, can this really be a basis on which to judge who is the finer player of the two?

Even then, there is also the small matter of how many trophies each has won with their respective sides.

If we are to look at it on that context Messi would win hands down having amassed an astonishing 21 career honours for both club and country all at the tender age of 25, compared to 12 for Ronaldo who is now just beginning to reach his peak at 27.

But for the departure of the Portuguese winger from Manchester United in 2009, it’s quite possible that the Red Devils and Ronaldo himself would maybe have notched up another one or two Champions league titles and further domestic honours had he stayed at Old Trafford.

His influence on the club was such that many firmly believe, including Sir Alex Ferguson himself that this would have been without question.

Therefore, will Ronaldo’s decision to leave United when having yet to reach his peak be one that he regrets when his playing days are over despite now playing for the club he always wanted to join since childhood?

For me though, the one overall deciding factor that marks out the better player of these two footballing gods is not how many goals either player has scored, or how great any of these goals were, or even who has the best celebrity girlfriend.

It’s the pure and simple fact that one of them has performed to the same outstanding level in two different leagues which perform two very different styles of football.

Until the other of the two does this, which I can’t honestly see ever happening during his career, then my vote will always be the same.

And before you ask…no, he’s not Argentinian….

Ryan Colley



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