Time To Go For Mario (Video)

Roberto Mancini continues to persist with enigmatic striker Mario Balotelli but his performances this season and in particular during Sunday’s Manchester derby begs the question ‘is it time to cash in?’

There’s one thing looked at straight away when reviewing a striker’s performances, goals. Looking at Balotelli he’s scored only one league goal all season, against Wigan, and Sunday’s game was a clear indication why.

With (not so) ‘Super Mario’ on the pitch against City looked fractious and their passing and movement lacked rhythm.

The young Italian is quick, strong and full of skill and trickery but these attributes have rarely been seen this season and only in glimpses last year leaving Mancini visibly frustrated with a player he admits to loving like a son.

When Carlos Tevez replaced Balotelli his poor performance and lack of chemistry with the rest of the side was emphasised by the sudden upturn in quality. City clicked in to gear and highlighted Balotelli’s style is a bit of a square peg in a round hole, not what is needed in a side looking to retain their league crown.

Balotelli moved to Manchester City from Inter Milan, following boss Mancini, but it is city rivals AC Milan that are keen on taking Mario back home.

Maybe now is the time for Roberto Mancini to allow Mario to move on.



Sam Jewell