Arsenal’s 3-Point Plan

For what started off as such a promising season has now lost its wing and is spiraling down towards what we can all associate with, a typical Arsenal season. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Where do I even begin? Too many holes in this club that my two hands are severely inept at preventing this sinking ship; all hands on deck! What you’ll find listed below are three imperative ideas (which I find) that must me implemented.

Before I get started, I’d just like to make it known to my readers that this is not a rant.

I. Save Our Youth

England are a footballing nation far behind other major nations, and when it comes to nurturing talent its fair to say they completely miss the boat. Why are England so inferior to the other nations? Easy answer, as a nation their football knowledge is not wide enough.

How many players in this current England squad have ventured abroad to broaden their footballing horizon? (An uncomfortable silence proceeds). There are so many lessons that can be learned abroad, yet English clubs choose to loan their young prospects out to the lower tiers of English football. Yes they get first team opportunities, but I’m afraid that’s where the lesson stops abruptly.

Adhering to this notion, Arsenal who themselves have excellent youth system and facilities need to reel in their prospects to avoid the detrimental exposure of the media limelight. This speaks high volume to their English talent who are so young, yet overwhelmingly revered.

For the rest of the English talent, all the blame cannot reside on Roy Hogdson, the commander-in-chief. It’s not his fault that England as a nation struggle to produce enough top talents. Take Wilfred Zaha and Raheem Sterling who have been pushed to the national side without (in my opinion) being ready.

I cannot emphasize on how imperative nurturing the youth is. Arsenal do pretty well of achieving this, however, their problem is that they struggle to keep their players when they finally reach maturity. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Arsenal, the fostering home for football. Not a nice name to be affiliated to a club is it?

II. Build a team around Wilshere

There is no doubt that Jack Wilshere is one of the greatest facets to emerge from the Arsenal youth ranks. The intangibles that this man harbors are quintessential for a leader of a club. The brains of Dennis Bergkamp, the heart of Tony Adams, the courage of Martin Keown, the stamina of Ray Parlour, the control of Robert Pires and the left foot of Liam Brady. All the key attributes of previous arsenal greats bestowed onto this young Englishmen. Quite spectacular.

Since coming back from such a long and frustrating injury Wilshere has shown that he hasn’t lost his competitive edge. A man who puts everything on the line, from first minute to last; a trait that is phantom to the rest of the squad.

Quote me on this, but I strongly believe that if the rest of the squad played up to the bar that he raises the club wouldn’t be underachieving and I wouldn’t be writing to you know. Undoubtedly, he will be the future captain of club and country. It’s just a matter of when.

III. Winning breeds more winning.

Whether it’s the ‘Johnstone’s Paint Trophy’ or the ‘Capital One Cup’, winning gives birth to hunger for more winning. Hunger that spreads like wild fire amongst an amazon forest.

Let me set your mind back to February 27th 2011, Arsenal faced Birmingham in the final of the (what was called back then) ‘The Carling Cup’. Just before kick-off, life as a gunner was rosier than the cheeks of an embarrassed female. At this precise moment, the gunners were firing on all cylinders in all four competitions.

However, the shock defeat in the Carling Cup final ensued one of the biggest choking incidents in sporting history (no hyperbole). The fortnight that preceded this loss to Birmingham saw Arsenal bow out of the other three competitions quicker than a drunk hits the ground. One can only imagine what might have happened if things ran smoother in that Carling Cup final.

If Arsenal are to change their tragic misfortune, then I think they may need to take a meticulous look at improving the internal components of the club. Throwing money at the problem i.e. bringing in new players might be beneficial in the short run, but not in the long run. Though, all is not lost at Arsenal, and my faith in this club is certainly not lost.

Every dog has its day.

– This was just one man’s opinion about the club he so dearly loves.

Yvens Tiamou